The Best Inaugural Cold Ride

You’ve made it this far in the winter riding blog series! Good job! You’ve either done a winter bike ride…or you’ve been thinking really, really hard about actually doing it. Either way. Progress. Give yourself a little pat on the back. Seriously. If you get your mind in order long enough the body will follow suit. You won’t even know why. You’ll just find yourself bundled up one day riding a bike to the store to get that peppermint schnapps you thought you had in the cabinet. And boom…first ride done. Sometimes it really works like that. At least for me it does. Maybe it’s because of ADHD, maybe it’s because boredom eventually loses, and I can no longer spend one more minute waiting for the clock to tick by for some shut eye (clocks still tick right…that phrase still means something right?) Regardless of how it happens, it doesn’t occur without some internal conversation, mulling over the idea of actually getting out there. Which brings me to the next installment for winter riding: a good inaugural ride.

This Saturday, December 10th, in Kansas City, is the annual Santa Rampage. It’s probably the one day of the year where bikes get a lot of good wheel (pun intended) from all the cars on the road as cyclists dress in Santa costumes of all kinds and carry some holiday cheer throughout the city. It’s a fun event that also involves stops at local breweries and holiday shopping destinations. If there is one ride that I would suggest you pull the trigger on and get yourself outside for a bike ride it’s this one…plus, to be honest, the weather looks like it’s going to unseasonably mild. But for our sake, we’re going to say it counts as a cold weather ride. It is a December 10th bike ride after all, so that counts for something. So get your elf suit, Santa hat, Santa costume, or what have you and be prepared to share some holiday cheer with those you pass on the street or sidewalk, and enjoy some fantastic camaraderie with other crazy bike people this Saturday. You can click here to learn more: Santa Rampage


The State of LBS and the All Month Long Black Friday Sale


Beating the Winter Blahs